lr_rendezvous Function In Loadrunner

In this Loadrunner tutorial you will learn about lr_rendezvous function. First of all, it is important to understand what is Rendezvous in LoadRunner. Now this is very important feature of LoadRunner in simulating real life scenarios which in turn, helps us in getting very close result of the performance of the application. Let us understand it with a scenario.

There are many situations when we want to test that all the users can perform any action on any website simultaneously to check whether that action is able to cope with heavy traffic or not. Let us take the example of Amazon sale period where there is very heavy traffic on the the purchase of sale items.

Now for handling this situation, first of all performance testing of sale purchase action on Amazon site should be done, so that necessary correction is made to make the website, robust enough to cope up with heavy traffic during the sale time.

LoadRunner is provided with function and the name of the function is lr_rendezvous() which can do the job for us in such scenarios. What generally happens in LoadRunner is that virtual users in LoadRunner performs various actions in different order and they do not hit a particular action simultaneously.

But if we want that large number of users ,  after logging in to the application perform any particular action or set of actions on the website simultaneously, then we will need to use this function otherwise, it won’t be possible to test this scenario in terms of performance.

Let us take a simple example. Suppose we have to do performance testing of Sale link ok on Amazon website for thousand users, then when we record this is script, then we use this function just before the script which captures the click action on sale link.

Now this function will wait for all the users to complete all the actions before coming to to click action on Sale link and all the users will click on the Sale link simultaneously and we can do our analysis to check the stability of the system and perform necessary actions to improve the performance of this action and hence improve the performance of the application.

Let us understand with the following example. This is pseudo code of LoadRunner script. Let us suppose that we have a scenario where we have to test a particular transaction action for thousand users in order to check the performance of a particular action, whether it is able to cope up with heavy traffic on a particular transaction action.

Let us suppose that the name of transaction is transaction 3. Generally transaction contains some action script which when executed in LoadRunner perform some task. Let us look at following pseudo code to understand it better.

transaction 1.

transaction 2.


transaction 3.

In the above example, there are three transactions which contains different action scripts to be performed. Virtual user in LoadRunner will take different time frame to complete transaction 1 and transaction 2 and reach at transaction 3.

Now we can say that we have used this function Meeting to ensure that all the virtual users irrespective of what time they are taking to complete transaction 1 and transaction 2 , they all stop at one point and after all Virtual users reach at the start of transaction , virtual users start executing the transaction 3 action simultaneously.

Let us suppose that we are running a scenario for thousand users.  Suppose 500 uses take 5 seconds to complete transaction 1 and another 500 virtual users take 10 seconds to complete transaction 2, then this function will make you wait for 10 seconds until all the thousand virtual users are ready to start transaction 3 action simultaneously. This is whole concept of this functionlr_rendezvous.

Overall, this is very useful function we can say that this is very useful function and very helpful in in performance testing of scenarios where we need to to test particular action for heavy load.

You should also read all the Loadrunner functions with examples here